The Poreč Ski Lift is a 650 m long water lift in Zelena Laguna.
The Poreč Ski Lift offers a speed of 30 km / h on all available parks, with all facilities. For all professional equipment for the equipment (Ski, Kneeboard, Monoski, Trickski) we offer, self-supporting safety equipment.
The Poreč ski lift offers regular work, amateur and professional activities in water sports, tennis schools, beach volleyball tournaments, beach soccer tournaments, etc.
We have 5 different springs (Kicker; Slider) and a slalom course for Monoski.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Wasserski und die Benutzung der Ausrüstung erfolgt auf eigen Gefahr, Minderjährige müssen Schutzausrüstung tragen und brauchen die schriftliche Zustimmung ihrer Eltern.
In addition to the ski lift, you can also find our cool beach bar with special offers on the beach and refreshments.
The ski resort at the Poreč Ski Lift runs from the East to the end of November.
Opening hours:
April 10 – 19 p.m.
May to September 10 – 24 h
October 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Discount and coupons
ISTRIA CARD members receive 10% discount on groceries and drinks and 10% discount on all offers and trips with ski lift.
A small portion of fries and 0.3 liters of beer worth 40 kuna is available on the beach.